Ultrasound Services
- Abdominal
- Pelvic
- Obstetrical
- Prostate
- Bladder
- Scrotum
- Thyroid
- Muscuoloskeletal
- Neck
- Breast
Please bring your health card and requisition form to your appointment.
Have a fat-free dinner the night before (i.e. no dairy or fried foods). Do not eat or drink after midnight.
Pelvic, Obstetric or Prostate
An hour before your appointment, drink 5 large 8 oz. glasses of water or clear liquids. Do not void – a full bladder is required for this test.
Abdominal & Pelvic
Have a fat-free dinner the night before (i.e. no dairy or fried foods). Do not eat or drink after midnight. An hour before your appointment, drink 5 large 8 oz. glasses of water or clear liquids. Do not void – a full bladder is required for this test.
Scrotum or Thyroid or Musculoskeletal
No preparation required